1. Clark joined the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) in 1949 and his membership number was: #7.
The source of this information is the "Current Membership Directory" of the ETS published in Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society, Volume 10.1 in the Winter of 1967.
1967 was the first year the ETS published its "Current Membership Directory".

2. About the Bulletin / Journal of the Theological Society:
"The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society commenced publication in 1958 as the Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society. The first issue was just 20 pages in length and contained only one article. But that article by Ned B. Stonehouse of Westminster Theological Seminary, was titled 'The Infallibility of Scripture and Evangelical Progress.' It was Stonehouse's presidential address to the society. Only 47 persons were in attendance at the Annual Meeting when Stonehouse gave his address."
"From that small beginning, under the editorship of Steven Barabas of Wheaton College, the journal has grown remarkably in size, and the contributions are recognized worldwide for their penetrating scholarship and insightful handling of the Scriptures. BETS became JETS in 1969 with volume 12. When JETS celebrated its 25th anniversary in 1982 under the editorship of Ronald Youngblood, each issue was 128 pages in length. During 2007, the readers of JETS receive the four handsome gold colored issues of the 50th anniversary volume, each of which contains 224 pages of astute refereed articles and scholarly reviews. Dr. Andreas Köstenberger now serves as the editor."
"Nearly all past issues of JETS is now available on our web site for our readers' use and enjoyment. Our search engine, nearly complete, allows researchers to find items of interest quickly and easily. More than 4,000 copies of JETS are printed and distributed each quarter, and the journal goes into every part of the world bringing advanced scholarly writing from a conservative Bible-believing position that holds the Bible to be the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God."
Evangelical Theological Society. 1967. Current membership directory. Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter): 57-79.
(accessed 2013-11-28).
Last modified: Monday, November 25, 2013
1. A "Source of knowledge" refers to a point from which knowledge originates.
Contemporary discussions of source of knowledge are focus on sense experience (Markie 2013).
That is, contemporary discussions focus on sense experience as a point from which knowledge originates.
Careful students will define each epistemological position, such as empiricism or rationalism, in its own terms.
But some with an empirical bias define other positions in terms of sense experience.
Assuming the object of knowledge is truth, there are four categorical relationships between sense experience and knowledge:
(A) Universal affirmative: All truths about the world which can be known are known by one's sense experience of the world.
(E) Universal negative: No truths about the world which can be known are known by one's sense experience of the world.
(I) Particular affirmative: Some truths about the world which can be known are known by one's sense experience of the world.
(O) Particular negative: Some truths about the world which can be known are not known by one's sense experience of the world.
2. Using these four categorical propositions, various epistemological positions can be formulated in terms of sense experience.
I take empiricism about source of knowledge to be the universal affirmatives claim that:
(A) All truths about the world which can be known are known by one's sense experience of the world.
I take rationalism about source of knowledge to be the particular negatives claim that:
(O) Some truths about the world which can be known are not known by one's sense experience of the world.
Rationalism should be defined in its own terms and some rationalists formulate rationalism about source of knowledge in terms of intuition.
If rationalism is formulated in terms of intuition as in (Markie 2013), then it is the claim that:
Some truths about the world which can be known are known by one's intuition and deduction from those intuited propositions.
If view from the standpoint of sense experience, this translates as (O).
3. In the following discussions, it is useful if the reader keeps the Square of Opposition in mind (Parsons 2012):

Corresponding A and O propositions are contradictory of one another.
That is, they cannot both be true and they cannot both be false; if one is true, the other must be false.
Since empiricism and rationalism are defined as contradictory of each other, one of them must be true and the other false.
A contradictory pair of propositions is also mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive.
So from an empirically biased standpoint, empiricism and rationalism are mutually exclusive of one another and they jointly exhaust all possibilities.
The diagram indicates that (A) and (O) are not the only contradictory pair of propositions.
According to the Square of Opposition, (E) and (I) am also a contradictory pair.
4. What is Gordon H. Clark's position with respect to these four claims?
(a) Clark rejects (A) (Empiricism).
(b) Clark endorses (E).
(c) If Clark endorses (E), then he must reject its contradictory (I).
(d) If Clark rejects (A), then he must endorses its contradictory (O) (Rationalism).
5. Did Gordon H. Clark endorse Rationalism?
There is a confusion going on around that Clark is a rationalist.
But have you just written above that Clark must endorse rationalism (O)?
Yes, I have.
But if Clark endorses (O), then isn't he a rationalist?
No, he is not.
I say there is a confusion because in Clark's writing, (O) is not rationalism.
If define in terms of sense experience, then in Clark's views rationalism is the stronger claim (E) the universal negative:
(E) No truths about the world which can be known are known by one's sense experience of the world.
(Clark 1973, 9): "Rationalism then is the theory that all knowledge, and therefore all religious knowledge, can be deduced from logic alone, i.e. logic apart from both revelation and sensory experience."
So far as I can tell, Clark's definition of rationalism might be historically accurate up until sometime in the 20th Century.
But in the 20th Century, there is a contraction in scope of the rationalist's claim: the "all" became "some".
And in Three Types of Religious Philosophy (1973), Clark rejected both empiricism (A) and rationalism as he defined it.
Clark rejects rationalism in either the Global (All) or Local (Some) formulation:
(a) Rationalism is the theory that all knowledge can be deduced from logic alone.
(b) Rationalism is the theory that some truths about the world which can be known are known by one's intuition and deduction from those intuited propositions.
Gordon H. Clark is not a rationalist.
6. Clark endorsed a third option he called Dogmatism (Clark 1973, 7): "The term Dogmatism therefore designates that method of procedure which tries to systematize beliefs concerning God, science, immortality, etc. on the basis of information divinely revealed in the sacred writings."
The contemporary empirical biased to define rationalism by (O) constituted a narrowing of options.
Defining empiricism (A) and rationalism (O) as contradictory is a narrowing of options because in a contradictory pair, one or the other must be true.
One must be either an empiricist or a rationalist, and cannot be both.
A position such as Clark's where he is neither an empiricist nor a rationalist in this sense is by definition disqualified.
A further implication of using sense experience as the basis of definition is that Dogmatism is translated as (E).
This when Dogmatism affirms both (E) and (O).
This creates the seeming impression that Clark is a rationalist.
For when defining all sources of knowledge by sense experience, Clark is forced into the straight-jacket of simultaneously:
(a) endorsing (E) and rejecting it’s contradictory (I); and
(b) rejecting (A) and endorsing it's contradictory (O).
Clark got lumped together with rationalism (O).
The seeming impression is created by the inadequacy of stating all positions regarding source of knowledge in terms of sense experience.
Each position must be stated on its own terms.
7. Summary:
A theory should be stated on its own terms.
There is a contemporary prejudice by some to view all sources of knowledge in terms of sense experience.
For the four categorical propositions about sources of knowledge formulated in terms of sense experience:
(a) Clark rejects (A) the universal affirmative.
(b) Clark accepts (E) the universal negative.
(c) Clark rejects (I) the particular affirmative.
(d) Clark accepts (O) the particular negative.
Clark rejects all affirmatives about sense experience, whether universal or particular.
Clark accepts all negatives about sense experience, whether universal or particular.
Clark's view of the nature of rationalism and dogmatism should not be state in terms of sense experience but rather on their own terms.
The bias by some to define all positions regarding source of knowledge in terms of sense experience is a reflection of the increasing dominance of empiricism in the last few centuries.
8. A promissory note redeemable in the indefinite future:
The concept "source of knowledge" needs further clarification.
In what way is sense experience a source of knowledge?
In what way is logic a source of knowledge?
In what way is Biblical revelation a source of knowledge?
Clark, Gordon H. 1973. Three Types of Religious Philosophy. Nutley, New Jersey: The Craig Press.
Markie, Peter. 2013. Rationalism vs. Empiricism. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta.
(Summer 2013 Edition),
Parsons, Terence. 2012. The Traditional Square of Opposition. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward N. Zalta.
(Fall 2012 Edition).
Version: 1.0
Dated: November 9, 2009
1. Introduction
2. Books
3. Articles
4. Book Reviews
5. Letters
1. Introduction
This is a revision of the bibliography compiled by John W. Robbins and originally published as The Works of Gordon H. Clark. In Gordon H. Clark: Personal Recollections. 1989. John W. Robbins, ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Used by permission of The Trinity Foundation. Address: Post Office 68, Unicoi, Tennessee 37692. Phone: 423.743.0199. Website: http://www.trinityfoundation.org/.
This Bibliography may be distributed freely but may not be modified without the express permission of The Trinity Foundation.
2. Books
1. 1929. Empedocles and Anaxagoras in Aristotle's De Anima. PhD diss., University of Pennsylvania.
Reprinted as an essay in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
2. 1931. Readings in Ethics. Gordon H. Clark and T.V. Smith, eds. New York: F.S. Crofts and Company.
3. 1934. [Translations of the Democritean material]. In Selections from Early Greek Philosophy. Milton C. Nahm, ed. New York: F.S. Crofts and Company.
4. 1935. Readings in Ethics. 2nd ed. Gordon H. Clark and T.V. Smith, eds. New York: F.S. Crofts and Company.
5. 1940. Selections from Hellenistic Philosophy. Gordon H. Clark, ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
6. 1941. [Part One: Ancient Philosophy]. In A History of Philosophy. Seymour G. Martin, Gordon H. Clark, Francis P. Clarke, and Chester T. Ruddick. New York: F.S. Crofts and Company.
Part I reprinted as [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
7. 1946. A Christian Philosophy of Education. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
See item 50 for second edition; item 85 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
8. 1952. A Christian View of Men and Things: An Introduction to Philosophy. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
A condensation of the manuscript was delivered as the 1951 Payton Lectures at Fuller Theological Seminary.
See item 61 for second edition; item 94 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
9. 1956. What Presbyterians Believe. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 16 for the revised and enlarged edition; item 41 for the second revised and enlarged edition; item 87 for the third revised and enlarged edition.
10. 1957. Thales to Dewey: A History of Philosophy. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.
See item 39 for second edition; item 55 for third edition; item 86 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
11. 1960. Dewey. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [William James and John Dewey 1995].
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
12. 1961. Religion, Reason and Revelation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 45 for second edition; item 74 for third edition.
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
13. 1963. Karl Barth's Theological Method. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 82 for second edition.
14. 1963. William James. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [William James and John Dewey 1995].
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
15. 1964. The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God. Nutley, New Jersey: The Craig Press.
See item 48 for second edition; item 80 for third edition.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
16. 1965. What Do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession: Yesterday and Today. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
The revised and enlarged edition of [What Presbyterians Believe 1956].
See item 41 for second edition; item 87 for third edition.
17. 1967. Peter Speaks Today: A Devotional Commentary on First Peter. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [1 and 2 Peter 1980].
Reprinted in [New Heavens, New Earth 1993].
18. 1968. The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark. Ronald H. Nash, ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
This is a Festschrift for Gordon H. Clark.
Reprinted in [Clark and His Critics 2009].
19. 1969. Biblical Predestination. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [Predestination (1987) 2004].
20. 1971. Historiography: Secular and Religious. Nutley, New Jersey: The Craig Press.
See item 71 for second edition.
21. 1972. The Johannine Logos: The Mind of Christ. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 54 for second edition.
Reprinted in [What is Saving Faith? 2004].
22. 1972. II Peter: A Short Commentary. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [1 and 2 Peter 1980].
Reprinted in [New Heavens, New Earth 1993].
23. 1973. Three Types of Religious Philosophy. Nutley, New Jersey: The Craig Press.
See item 56 for second edition.
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
24. 1975. First Corinthians: A Contemporary Commentary. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 62 for second edition.
25. 1978. Predestination in the Old Testament. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted in [Predestination (1987) 2004].
26. 1979. Colossians: Another Commentary on an Inexhaustible Message. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 53 for second edition.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
27. 1979. The Concept of Biblical Authority. Nutley, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
Reprinted as an essay in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
28. 1980. 1 and 2 Peter. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
The combined edition of [Peter Speaks Today 1967] and [II Peter 1972].
See item 70 for second revised edition.
29. 1980. First John: A Commentary. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 65 for second edition.
30. 1980. Language and Theology. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 69 for second edition.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
31. 1982. Behaviorism and Christianity. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
32. 1982. God's Hammer: The Bible and Its Critics. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
A collection of Gordon H. Clark’s articles and essays.
See item 47 for second revised and enlarged edition; item 73 for third revised and enlarged edition.
33. 1983. Faith and Saving Faith. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 57 for second edition.
Reprinted in [What is Saving Faith? 2004].
34. 1983. The Pastoral Epistles. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 84 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
35. 1984. The Biblical Doctrine of Man. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 63 for second edition.
36. 1984. In Defense of Theology. Milford, Michigan: Mott Media, Inc.
See item 96 for second edition.
37. 1985. Ephesians. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
38. 1985. Logic. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 52 for second edition; item 83 for third edition; item 91 for fourth edition.
39. 1985. Thales to Dewey: A History of Philosophy. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 55 for third edition; item 86 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
40. 1985. The Trinity. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 60 for second edition.
41. 1985. What Do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession: Yesterday and Today. 2nd ed. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
See item 87 for third edition.
42. 1986. Clark Speaks From The Grave. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Clark and His Critics 2009].
43. 1986. First and Second Thessalonians. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
44. 1986. Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprint of Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. The Trinity Review (March-April, 1984).
See item 58 for second edition.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
45. 1986. Religion, Reason and Revelation. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 74 for third edition.
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
46. 1987. The Atonement. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 77 for second edition.
47. 1987. God's Hammer: The Bible and Its Critics. 2nd ed. John W. Robbins, ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
The second edition is revised and enlarged.
See item 73 for third revised and enlarged edition.
48. 1987. The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 80 for third edition.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
49. 1987. Predestination. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
The combined edition of [Biblical Predestination 1969] and [Predestination in the Old Testament 1978].
See item 92 for second edition.
50. 1988. A Christian Philosophy of Education. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The
Trinity Foundation.
The revised and enlarged edition of [A Christian Philosophy of Education 1946].
See item 85 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
51. 1988. The Incarnation. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
52. 1988. Logic. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 83 for third edition; item 91 for fourth edition.
53. 1989. Colossians: Another Commentary on an Inexhaustible Message. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
54. 1989. The Johannine Logos: The Mind of Christ. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [What is Saving Faith? 2004].
55. 1989. Thales to Dewey: A History of Philosophy. 3rd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 86 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
56. 1989. Three Types of Religious Philosophy. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
57. 1990. Faith and Saving Faith. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [What is Saving Faith? 2004].
58. 1990. Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
59. 1990. Today's Evangelism: Counterfeit or Genuine? Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
60. 1990. The Trinity. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
61. 1991. A Christian View of Men and Things: An Introduction to Philosophy. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 94 for reprint in The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark.
62. 1991. First Corinthians: A Contemporary Commentary. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
63. 1992. The Biblical Doctrine of Man. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
64. 1992. Essays on Ethics and Politics. John W. Robbins, ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
A collection of Gordon H. Clark’s articles and essays.
65. 1992. First John: A Commentary. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
66. 1992. Sanctification. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
67. 1993. The Holy Spirit. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
68. 1993. An Introduction to Christian Philosophy. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
This is the expanded form of the 1966 Wheaton Lectures delivered at Wheaton College and first published in [The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark 1968].
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
Reprinted in [Clark and His Critics 2009].
69. 1993. Language and Theology. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
70. 1993. New Heavens, New Earth: A Commentary on First and Second Peter. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
The second revised edition of [1 and 2 Peter 1980].
71. 1994. Historiography: Secular and Religious. 2nd ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
72. 1994. Lord God of Truth. 2nd ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
The first edition appeared as an article in 1986 (see item 248).
73. 1995. God's Hammer: The Bible and Its Critics. 3rd ed. John W. Robbins, ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
74. 1995. Religion, Reason and Revelation. 3rd ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Christian Philosophy 2004].
75. 1995. William James and John Dewey. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of [Dewey 1960] and [William James 1963].
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
76. 1996. Against the World: The Trinity Review 1978-1988. John W. Robbins, ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
Contained some of Gordon H. Clark’s essays published in The Trinity Review.
77. 1996. The Atonement. 2nd ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
78. 1996. God and Evil: The Problem Solved. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprint of Chapter 5: God and Evil of [Religion, Reason and Revelation (1961) 1995].
See item 90 for second edition.
79. 1996. Philippians. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
80. 1996. The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God. 3rd ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Modern Philosophy 2008].
81. 1997. Ancient Philosophy. John W. Robbins, ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
A collection of Gordon H. Clark’s articles and essays.
82. 1997. Karl Barth's Theological Method. 2nd ed. Hobbs, New Mexico: The Trinity Foundation.
83. 1998. Logic. 3rd ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
See item 91 for fourth edition.
84. 1999. The Pastoral Epistles. Vol. 15 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
A new edition of [The Pastoral Epistles 1983].
85. 2000. A Christian Philosophy of Education. Vol. 10 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
A new edition of [A Christian Philosophy of Education (1946) 1988].
86. 2000. Thales to Dewey: A History of Philosophy. Vol. 3 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
A new edition of [Thales to Dewey (1957) 1989].
87. 2001. What Do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession: Yesterday and Today. 3rd ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
88. 2002. Against the Churches: The Trinity Review 1989-1998. John W. Robbins, ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
Contained some of Gordon H. Clark’s essays published in The Trinity Review.
89. 2004. Christian Philosophy. Vol. 4 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of: [Religion, Reason and Revelation (1961) 1995], [Three Types of Religious Philosophy (1973) 1989], and [An Introduction to Christian Philosophy 1993].
90. 2004. God and Evil: The Problem Solved. 2nd ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
91. 2004. Logic. 4th ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
92. 2004. Predestination. 2nd ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
93. 2004. What Is Saving Faith? Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of [The Johannine Logos (1972) 1989] and [Faith and Saving Faith (1983) 1990].
94. 2005. A Christian View of Men and Things. Vol. 1 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The fourth edition of [A Christian View of Men and Things 1952].
95. 2005. Commentaries on Paul's Letters. Vol. 12 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of: [Colossians (1979) 1989], [Ephesians 1985], [First and Second Thessalonians 1986], and [Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism (1986) 1990].
96. 2007. In Defense of Theology. 2nd ed. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
97. 2008. Modern Philosophy. Vol. 5 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of: [Dewey 1960], [William James 1963], [The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God (1964) 1996], [Language and Theology (1980) 1993], and [Behaviorism and Christianity 1982].
98. 2009. Clark and His Critics. Vol. 7 of The Works of Gordon Haddon Clark. Unicoi, Tennessee: The Trinity Foundation.
The combined edition of [The Philosophy of Gordon H. Clark 1968] and [Clark Speaks from the Grave 1986].
3. Articles
99. 1932. Determinism and Responsibility. The Evangelical Quarterly (London) (January).
Reprinted in The Trinity Review (January-February, 1991).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
100. 1934. Spontaneity and Monstrosity in Aristotle. The New Scholasticism (January).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
101. 1934. Timaeus or Plato? The New Scholasticism (October).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
102. 1935. Kant and Old Testament Ethics. The Evangelical Quarterly (London) (July).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
103. 1938. Two Translations of Plotinus. The New Scholasticism (January).
104. 1940. Miracles, History, and Natural Law. The Evangelical Quarterly (London) (January).
105. 1942. ΦΑΝΤΑΣΙΑ in Plotinus. In Philosophical Essays in Honor of Edgar A. Singer, Jr. F.P. Clarke and M.L. Nahm, eds. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. [Reprinted in 1969 by Ayer Publishing.]
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
106. 1942. Plotinus' Theory of Sensation. The Philosophical Review (July).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
107. 1943. An Appeal to Fundamentalists. The Presbyterian Guardian (March 10).
108. 1943. On the Primacy of the Intellect. Westminster Theological Journal 5, no. 2 (May): 182-195.
109. 1943. Plotinus' Theory of Empirical Responsibility. The New Scholasticism (January).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
110. 1944. A Reference to Plotinus in Liddell and Scott. The American Journal of Philology (July).
111. 1944. The Theory of Time in Plotinus. The Philosophical Review (July).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
112. 1948. In American People's Encyclopaedia. Chicago: The Spencer Press.
113. 1949. In Collier's Encyclopaedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.
- Alexandrian School
- Carneades
- Eclecticism
- Epictetus
- Plotinus
- Stoicism
- Zeno
114. 1949. Plotinus on the Eternity of the World. The Philosophical Review (March).
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
115. 1950. In Collier's Encyclopaedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.
116. 1950. The Beginnings of Greek Philosophy. In A History of Philosophical Systems. Vergilius Ferm, ed. New York: The Philosophical Library.
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
117. 1950. Hellenistic and Roman Schools of Philosophy. In A History of Philosophical Systems. Vergilius Ferm, ed. New York: The Philosophical Library.
Reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
118. 1954. Christ the Mediator. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (December 1).
119. 1954. The Covenant. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (November 24).
120. 1954. Creation. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (November 10).
121. 1954. Creeds. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (October 6).
122. 1954. Effectual Calling. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (December 29).
123. 1954. Free Will. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (December 22).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
124. 1954. A Hard Saying. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (October 27).
125. 1954. Healthy, Sick, or Dead? The Southern Presbyterian Journal (November 17).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
126. 1954. Justification. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (December 8).
127. 1954. Knowledge and Ignorance. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (October 13).
128. 1954. Providence. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (November 3).
129. 1954. Sanctification. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (December 15).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
130. 1954. The Trinity. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (October 20).
131. 1954. The Word of God. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (September 29).
132. 1955. Adoption. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (January 5).
133. 1955. Assurance. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (January 19).
134. 1955. Baptism. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 16).
135. 1955. Censures and Councils. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (April 13).
136. 1955. Christian Liberty. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (February 16).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
137. 1955. The Church. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 23).
138. 1955. The Civil Magistrate. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 30).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
139. 1955. Good Works. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (February 9).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
140. 1955. Language and Logic. The Gordon Review (January 12).
141. 1955. The Law of God. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (January 12).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
142. 1955. The Lord’s Supper. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (April 6).
143. 1955. Perseverance. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (February 23).
144. 1955. The Reformed Faith and The Westminster Confession.
An address delivered at Weaverville, North Carolina on August 17, 1955.
Published as an Appendix in [What Do Presbyterians Believe? (1965) 2001].
Reprinted in [God’s Hammer (1987) 1995]; not reprinted in the first edition.
Reprinted in The Trinity Review (May-June, 2009).
145. 1955. Repentance. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (February 2).
146. 1955. Resurrection and Judgment. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (April 20).
147. 1955. The Sacraments. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 9).
148. 1955. Saving Faith. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (January 26).
149. 1955. Worship and Vows. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 2).
150. 1956. Cosmic Time: A Critique of the Concept in Herman Dooyeweerd. The Gordon Review (September).
151. 1956. Incarnation: Fact or Theory? Christianity Today (December 10).
152. 1956. Logic and Language. The Gordon Review (February).
153. 1956. Verbal Inspiration: Yesterday and Today. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (September 12).
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
154. 1957. Apologetics. In Contemporary Evangelical Thought. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.
155. 1957. The Bible as Truth. Bibliotheca Sacra (April).
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
Reprinted in The Trinity Review (December, 2008).
156. 1957. The Christian and the Law. HIS (October).
Reprinted in The Trinity Review (March, 1979).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
157. 1957. Faith and Reason. Christianity Today (February 18) and (March 4).
158. 1957. Natural Law and Revelation (Anonymous guest editorial).
Christianity Today (June 24).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
159. 1957. The Resurrection. Christianity Today (April 15).
160. 1958. Can Moral Education Be Grounded in Naturalism? Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 1, no.4 (Fall): 21-23.
Paper presented to the fourth annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society at Wheaton, Illinois, 1952.
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Reprinted in [A Christian Philosophy of Education 2000]; not reprinted in previous editions.
161. 1958. A Fresh Look at the Hypothesis of Evolution. Christianity Today (September 1).
162. 1958. Moon Shot: Its Meaning to 25 Scholars (Contributor). Christianity Today (October 13).
163. 1958. The Problem of Motion. The Gordon Review (Winter).
164. 1958. Special Divine Revelation as Rational. In Revelation and the Bible. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
165. 1959. Christendom's Key Issue: 25 Scholars' Views (Contributor). Christianity Today (October 12).
166. 1959. God's Countdown: 1960 (Contributor). Christianity Today (December 21).
167. 1959. Is Christianity Unique? Christianity Today (December 21).
168. 1960. American Culture. Bible Presbyterian Reporter (March).
169. 1960. In Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.
- Divine Attributes, The
- God
- Knowledge
- Truth
170. 1960. Capital Punishment and the Bible. Christianity Today (February 1).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
171. 1960. Faith and Prayer. Bible Presbyterian Reporter (August-September).
172. 1960. Philosophy in the Sixties. Christianity Today (May 9).
173. 1960. Protestant-Roman Unity: 25 Scholars’ Views (Contributor). Christianity Today (October 10).
174. 1960. Romans. In The Biblical Expositor. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A.J. Holman Company.
175. 1961. Concerning Free Will. Reformed Presbyterian Advocate (August- September).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
176. 1961. Questions on Barth's Theology (Contributor). Christianity Today (July 3).
177. 1961. Scholars’ Panel Identifies Contemporary Idols (Contributor). Christianity Today (October 13).
178. 1962. Barth's Critique of Modernism. Christianity Today (January 5).
179. 1962. Bultmann’s Three-Storied Universe. Christianity Today (March 2).
180. 1962. More Questions on Barth’s Views (Contributor). Christianity Today (January 5).
181. 1962. Naturalism. The Southern Presbyterian Journal (March 7).
182. 1963. Barth's Turnabout from the Biblical Norm (excerpt from Karl Barth's Theological Method). Christianity Today (January 4).
183. 1963. Holy Scripture. Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 6, no. 1 (Winter): 3-6.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
184. 1963. How May I know the Bible Is Inspired? In Can I Trust the Bible? Howard Vos, ed. Chicago: Moody Press.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
185. 1963. Modern Christianity's Crucial Junctures. Christianity Today (October 11).
186. 1964. In Encyclopaedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.
- Abelard
- Agnosticism
- Anselm
- Apologetics
- Aquinas, Thomas
- Augustine of Hippo
- Bonaventura
187. 1964. A Heritage of Irrationalism (excerpt from Karl Barth's Theological Method). Christianity Today (October 9).
188. 1964. The Nature of the Physical Universe. In Christian Faith and Modern Theology. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. New York: Channel Press.
189. 1964. The Next Ten Years (Contributor). Christianity Today (October 9).
190. 1965. Comments on Mr. Verduin's Essay. Christianity Today (May 21).
191. 1965. Fruits of the Reformation in Philosophy and Ethics ... “A Complete Reversal of Scholasticism”. Christianity Today (October 22).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
192. 1965. Modern Science and Belief in God (excerpt from The Philosophy of Science and Belief in God). Christianity Today (August 27).
193. 1965. Revealed Religion. Christianity Today (December 17).
194. 1965. Two Religions. Christianity Today (April 9).
195. 1966. Bultmann's Historiography. In Jesus of Nazareth: Saviour and Lord. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
196. 1966. The Evangelical Theological Society Tomorrow. Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 9, no. 1 (Winter): 3-11.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
Reprinted in Quo Vadis, Evangelicalism? Perspectives on the Past, Direction for the Future: Nine Presidential Addresses from the First Fifty Years of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society. 2007. Andreas J. Kostenberger, ed. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books.
197. 1967. Are We Straight on Sunday? Reformed Presbyterian Reporter (December).
198. 1967. Sartre’s Lawless Chaos. Reformed Presbyterian Reporter (May).
199. 1967. Sighting the Final Third of the Twentieth Century ... The Church and the Nation (Contributor). Christianity Today (January 20).
200. 1967. The Trouble with Humanism. Christianity Today (May 12).
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
201. 1967. What the Word “Evangelical” Really Means. Reformed Presbyterian Reporter (February).
202. 1968. Assault upon the Living God (Contributor). Christianity Today (March 15).
203. 1968. In Encyclopaedia of Christianity. Edwin A. Palmer, ed. Wilmington, Delaware: National Foundation for Christian Education.
- Empiricism
- Enlightenment
- Epicureanism
- Epistemology
- Eriugena, John Scotus
- Evangelicalism
- Existence of God, The
- Feuerbach, Ludwig A.
- Foreknowledge
- Foreordination
- Gnosticism
204. 1968. Faith Without a Focus Is Also Dead. Christianity Today (December 5).
205. 1969. Guest Editorial. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 12, no. 2 (Spring): 69-71.
206. 1969. The Image of God in Man. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 12, no. 4 (Fall): 215-222.
207. 1969. Revealed Religion. In Fundamentals of the Faith. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
208. c. 1970. Human Nature and Political Theory.
Published in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
209. 1971. A New Discovery in the Quest of the Historical Jesus. Christianity Today (January 15).
Reprinted in The Trinity Review (March-April, 1988).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
210. 1972. Hamilton's Theory of Language and Inspiration. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 15, no. 1 (Winter): 39-51.
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1982) 1995].
211. 1972. Wisdom in First Corinthians. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 15, no. 4 (Fall): 197-205.
Reprinted as an Excursus in Chapter 2 of [First Corinthians (1975) 1991].
212. 1973. In Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics. Carl F.H. Henry, ed. Washington, D.C.: Canon Press. [Reprinted in 1988 by Baker Book House.]
- Activism*
- Altruism*
- Anarchism*
- Antithesis
- Aquinas, Thomas*
- Atheism
- Augustine
- Behaviorism
- Capital Punishment*
- Cynicism
- Determinism*
- Dewey, John*
- Egoism*
- Ethics, Calvinistic*
- Ethics, Greek*
- Ethics, History of*
- Ethics, Idealistic*
- Ethics, Situation*
- Faith
- Fate
- Happiness*
- Hedonism*
- Humanism*
- Image of God
- Intuition
- Irrationalism
- James, William
- Kant, Immanuel*
- Legalism*
- Oaths*
- Pragmatism
- Responsibility*
- Skepticism
- Utilitarianism*
- Values*
* entries are reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
213. 1973. Concerning Justification. Christianity Today (March 16).
214. c. 1973. Modal Spheres and Morality.
Published in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
215. 1975. In Wycliffe Bible Encyclopaedia. Howard Vos, Charles Pfeiffer and John Rea, eds. Chicago: Moody Press.
- Immutability
- Liberalism
- Neo-orthodoxy
- Trinity
216. 1975. In Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopaedia of the Bible. Merrill C. Tenney, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.
- Destiny
- Epicureans
- Eternity
- Ethics
- Greek Religion and Philosophy
- Know, Knowledge
- Miracles
- Philo Judeus
- Philosophy
- Stoics
- Theism
Ethics is reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Greek Religion and Philosophy is reprinted in [Ancient Philosophy 1997].
217. 1976. In Collier's Encyclopaedia. New York: P.F. Collier and Son.
218. 1979. The Cosmological Argument. The Trinity Review (September).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
219. 1979. The Christian and the Law. The Trinity Review (March).
Reprint of item 155.
220. 1979. A Protestant World-View. The Trinity Review (April-May).
Commencement Address delivered at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 6, 1941.
Reprinted as an appendix in [A Christian Philosophy of Education (1988) 2000]; not reprinted in the first edition.
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
221. 1979. Saving Faith. The Trinity Review (December).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
222. 1979. The Toronto School. The Trinity Review (August).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
223. 1979. The Trinity. The Trinity Review (November).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
224. 1980. Dispensationalism. The Trinity Review (March-April).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
225. 1980. God and Logic. The Trinity Review (November-December).
Reprinted in [Logic (1985) 2004].
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
226. 1980. Mindless Men: Behaviorism and Christianity. The Trinity Review (July-August).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
227. 1980. What Is Truth? Presbuterion (Fall).
Reprinted in [God's Hammer (1987) 1995]; not reprinted in the first edition.
228. 1981. The Ordination of Women. The Trinity Review (January-February).
Reprinted in [The Pastoral Epistles (1983) 1999].
Reprinted in Scripture Twisting in the Seminaries, Part I: Feminism. 1985. John W. Robbins. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
229. 1981. Science and Truth. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
230. 1981. Time and Eternity. The Trinity Review (September-October).
Reprinted in [God's Hammer 1982]; not reprinted in the second or third edition.
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
231. 1982. Art and the Gospel. The Trinity Review (March-April).
Reprinted as an appendix in [A Christian Philosophy of Education (1988) 2000]; not reprinted in the first edition.
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
232. 1982. The Ethics of Abortion. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Parts of this paper were given in connection with a demonstration before Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
233. 1982. A Semi-defense of Francis Schaeffer. Christian Scholars Review 11, no. 2: 148-149.
234. 1982. The Sovereignty of God. The Trinity Review (November-December).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
235. 1982. Traducianism. The Trinity Review (July-August).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
236. 1983. 1 and 2 Timothy. The Trinity Review (March-April).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
237. 1983. Atheism. The Trinity Review (July-August).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
238. 1983. How Do We Learn? The Trinity Review (November-December).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
Reprinted in [A Christian Philosophy of Education 2000]; not reprinted in previous editions.
239. 1983. The Image and Likeness of God. The Trinity Review (September-October).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
240. 1983. The Presbyterian Doctrine of Ordination. Appendix B of [The Pastoral Epistles (1983) 1999].
241. 1984. In the Beginning. The Trinity Review (November-December).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
242. 1984. Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism. The Trinity Review (March-April).
Reprinted in [First and Second Thessalonians 1986].
Reprinted as [Logical Criticisms of Textual Criticism (1986) 1990].
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
Reprinted in [Commentaries on Paul’s Letters 2005].
243. 1984. Textual Criticism. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
244. 1984. The Variety of Versions. The Trinity Review (January-February).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
245. 1985. Clark Speaks from the Grave. The Trinity Review (November-December).
Excerpts from [Clark Speaks from the Grave 1986].
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
246. 1985. Classical Apologetics. The Trinity Review (September-October).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
247. 1985. The Relationship of Public Education to Christianity. The Trinity Review (May-June).
A speech delivered to the 42nd Annual Convention of the Ruling Elder’s Association of Chester Presbytery in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania on October 31, 1935.
Reprinted as an appendix in [A Christian Philosophy of Education (1988) 2000]; not reprinted in the first edition.
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
248. 1986. Lord God of Truth. In Ambitious to Be Well-Pleasing. Allen Guelzo, ed. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
Reprinted as [Lord God of Truth 1994].
249. 1988. A Christian Philosophy of Education. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
250. 1989. Christian Aesthetics. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
251. 1989. How Does Man Know God? The Trinity Review (July-August).
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
252. 1989. The Puritans and Situation Ethics. The Trinity Review (January-February).
A lecture originally delivered in 1976. This edition is a conflation of two slightly different lectures delivered before two different audiences.
Reprinted in [Essays on Ethics and Politics 1992].
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
253. 1990. A Christian Appraisal of Contemporary Philosophy. The Trinity Review (March-April).
A lecture first delivered in 1959.
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
254. 1990. An Introduction to the Bible. The Trinity Review (July-August).
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
255. 1990. Fifty Years of Infidelity. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
256. 1991. Determinism and Responsibility. The Trinity Review (January-February).
Reprint of item 99.
257. 1992. The Theologian's Besetting Sin. The Trinity Review (March-April).
Reprinted in [Against the Churches 2002].
258. 2004. What is Saving Faith? The Trinity Review (January-February).
Excerpts from [What is Saving Faith? 2004].
259. 2007. In Defense of Theology. The Trinity Review (August).
Excerpts from [In Defense of Theology (1984) 2007].
260. 2008. The Bible As Truth. The Trinity Review (December).
Reprint of item 155.
261. 2008. The Logos. The Trinity Review (September).
A lecture delivered at Chattanooga Christian School at Chattanooga, Tennessee
in 1984.
262. 2009. The Reformed Faith and the Westminster Confession. The Trinity Review (May-June).
Reprint of item 144.
263. n.d. Jesus Christ: Fact or Fantasy? Reformed Presbyterian Advocate. Parts 1-3.
4. Book Reviews
264. 1935. Review of Aristotle’s Theory of the Infinite, by Abraham Edel. The New Scholasticism (January).
265. 1935. Review of The Essence of Plotinus, by Grace H. Turnball. The New Scholasticism (January).
266. 1935. Review of The Platonic Legend, by Warner Fite. The New Scholasticism (January).
267. 1938. Review of The Philosophy of St. Bonaventure, by Etienne Gilson. Westminster Theological Journal (November).
268. 1941. Review of The Architecture of the Intelligible Universe in the Philosophy of Plotinus, by A.H. Armstrong. The Philosophical Review 50, no. 6 (November).
269. (1941?) Review of Tennant’s Philosophical Theology, by Delton Lewis Scudder. Westminster Theological Journal.
270. (1944?) Review of The Principles of Christian Ethics, by Albert C. Knudson. Westminster Theological Journal.
271. 1945. Review of Plato: The Timaeus and the Critias or Atlanticus, by R. Catesby Taliaferro. The Philosophical Review 54, no. 3 (May).
272. 1950. Review of The Philosophy of Proclus, by Laurence Jay Rosán. The Philosophical Review 59, no. 3 (July).
273. 1951. Review of Plotinus’ Search for God, by Josephey Katy. The Philosophical Review 60, no. 3 (July).
274. 1952. Review of Art and Society, by Catherine Rau. The Philosophical Review 61, no. 2 (April).
275. 1952. Review of Réalisme et Idéalism Chez Platon, by Joseph Moreau. The Philosophical Review 61, no. 3 (July).
276. 1952. Review of Towards a Reformed Philosophy: the Development of a Protestant Philosophy in Dutch Thought Since the Time of Abraham Kuyper, by William Young. The Journal of Philosophy 50, no. 5 (February 26).
277. 1957. Review of Christian Commitment: An Apologetic, by Edward John Carnell. Christianity Today (September 2).
278. 1957. Review of Christianity and World Issues, by T.B. Maston. Christianity Today (October 14).
279. 1957. Review of A Scholastic Miscellany: Anselm to Ockham, Eugene R. Fairweather, ed. Christianity Today (January 21).
280. 1957. Review of Speculation in Pre-Christian Philosophy, by Richard Kroner. Christianity Today (March 18).
281. 1958. Review of Albert Schweitzer, by Jacques Feschotte. Christianity Today (September 1).
282. 1958. Review of The Coming World Civilization, by William Ernest Hocking. Christianity Today (May 26).
283. 1958. Review of Conflict with Rome, by G.C. Berkouwer. Christianity Today (February 17).
284. 1958. Review of In the Beginning, God, by William M. Logan. The Gordon Review (Winter).
285. 1958. Review of Late Medieval Mysticism, Ray C. Petry, ed. Christianity Today (May 12).
286. 1958. Review of Words and Images, by E.L. Mascall. Christianity Today (August 18).
287. 1959. Review of Christ and Christian, by Nels F.S. Ferré. Christian Today (January 5).
288. 1959. Review of The Idea of Transcendence in the Philosophy of Karl Jaspers, by Robert D. Knudsen. The Gordon Review (Summer).
289. 1959. Review of Social Responsibilities of Organized Labor, by John A. Fitch. Christianity Today (June 22).
290. 1960. Review of Essays in Applied Christianity, by Reinhold Niebuhr. Christianity Today (January 4).
291. 1960. Review of The History of Religions: Essays in Methodology, Mircea Eliade and Joseph M. Kitagawa, eds. Christianity Today (February 15).
292. 1960. Review of The Humanity of God, by Karl Barth. Christianity Today (April 25).
293. 1960. Review of In the Twilight of Western Thought, by Herman Dooyeweerd. Christianity Today (August 29).
294. 1960. Review of Relativism, Knowledge and Faith, by Gordon D. Kaufman. Christianity Today (June 20).
295. 1960. Review of The School of Faith, by Thomas F. Torrance. Bible Presbyterian Reporter (March).
296. 1960. Review of The School of Faith, by Thomas F. Torrance. Christianity Today (July 4).
297. (1960?) Review of The School of Faith, by Thomas F. Torrance. (“The Catechism”), Reformed Presbyterian Advocate.
298. 1960. Review of The Social Ethics of Reinhold Niebuhr, by Theodore Minnema. Christianity Today (January 4).
299. 1961. Review of Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum, by Karl Barth. Christianity Today (June 5).
300. 1961. Review of Deliverance to the Captives, by Karl Barth. Christianity Today (June 5).
301. 1961. Review of The Limits of Reason, by George Boas. Christianity Today (May 8).
302. 1961. Review of Persons in Relation, by John MacMurray. Christianity Today (December 22).
303. 1962. Review of Act and Being, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Christianity Today (June 22).
304. 1962. Review of Conscience and Its Rights to Freedom, by Eric D’Arcy. Christianity Today (April 27).
305. 1962. Review of Divine Perfection: Possible Ideas of God, by Frederick Sontag. Christianity Today (April 13).
306. 1962. Review of Karl Barth’s Doctrine of Holy Scripture, by Klaas Runia. Christianity Today (July 6).
307. 1962. Review of Varieties of Christian Apologetics, by Bernard Ramm. Christianity Today (July 20).
308. 1963. Review of Karl Barth on God, by Sebastian A. Matczak. Christianity Today (March 1).
309. 1963. Review of Theories of Revelation, by H.C. McDonald. Christianity Today (September 13).
310. 1964. Review of Ethics and Science, by Henry Morgenau. Christianity Today (December 18).
311. 1964. Review of A Philosophical Study of Religion, by David Hugh Freeman. Christianity Today (October 23).
312. 1965. Review of The Enforcement of Morals, by Patrick Devlin. Christianity Today (October 8).
313. 1966. Review of A Defence of Theological Ethics, by G.F. Woods. Christianity Today (September 16).
314. 1966. Review of Issues in Science and Religion, by Ian G. Barbour. Christianity Today (October 28).
315. 1966. Review of Revolt Against Heaven, by Kenneth Hamilton. The Gordon Review (Spring).
316. 1966. Review of Scepticism and Historical Knowledge, by Jack W. Meiland. The Gordon Review (Spring).
317. 1966. Review of Theological Ethics, by James Sellers. Christianity Today (July 22).
318. 1967. Review of The Fabric of Paul Tillich’s Theology, by David H. Kelsey. Christianity Today (June 23).
319. 1967. Review of Myth and Truth, by John Knox. Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society (Summer).
320. 1967. Review of Perspectives in 19th and 20th Century Protestant Theology, by Paul Tillich. Christianity Today (June 23).
321. 1967. Review of The Vision of Paul Tillich, by Carl J. Armbruster. Christianity Today (June 23).
322. 1967. Review of What about Speaking in Tongues?, by Anthony A. Hoekema. The Gordon Review (Winter).
323. 1968. Review of Experience and God, by John E. Smith. Christianity Today (November 8).
324. 1968. Review of The Many-Faced Argument, John Hick and Arthur C. Magill, eds. Christianity Today (January 5).
325. 1969. Review of Sense and Nonsense in Religion, by Sten H. Stenson. Christianity Today (July 4).
326. 1970. Review of Sacra Doctrina: Reason and Revelation in Aquinas, by Per Eric Persson. Christianity Today (October 9).
327. 1972. Review of Understanding the Scripture, by A.H. DeGraaff and C.G. Seerveld. (“How to Let the Bible Confuse You”), Episcopal Recorder (February).
328. 1972. Review of Words and the WORD, by Kenneth Hamilton. (“Hamilton’s Theory of Language and Inspiration”), Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Winter).
329. 1974. Review of The Challenge of Our Age, by Hendrik Hart. Blue Banner Faith and Life (October-December).
330. 1975. Review of To Prod the Slumbering Giant!, by Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship. (“Toronto Scholarship”), Blue Banner Faith and Life (July-September).
331. 1982. Review of St. Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge: A Contemporary Analysis, by Bruce Bubacz. Christian Scholars Review 11, no. 4: 366.
332. 1983. Review of After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology, by Bernard Ramm. Fundamentalist Journal (June).
333. 1985. Review of Classical Apologetics, by R.C. Sproul, John Gerstner, and Arthur Lindsley. The Trinity Review (September-October).
Reprinted in [Against the World 1996].
5. Letters
334. 1947. Dr. Clark Dissents. The Calvin Forum (May).
335. 1952. Causality and mechanism. Christianity Today (April 27).
336. 1957. Biblical separation. Christianity Today (December 9).
337. 1957. Liberalism. Christianity Today (January 7).
338. 1957. Liberalism. Christianity Today (March 18).
339. 1958. Biblical separation. Christianity (May 26).
340. 1959. Agape. Christianity Today (March 2).
341. 1959. Social engineering. Christianity Today (May 11).
342. 1962. Church property grab. Christianity Today (September 28).
343. 1962. Government and ethics. Christianity Today (December 21).
344. 1964. Liberalism. Christianity Today (June 18).
345. 1964. Roman Catholicism. Christianity Today (March 27).
346. 1965. Scholasticism and the Reformation. Christianity Today (November 19).
347. 1966. Ethics. Christianity Today (September 2).
348. 1970. Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Eldridge Cleaver. Christianity Today (January 16).
349. 1971. Greek views of God. Christianity Today (September 10).
350. 1971. The problem of evil. Christianity Today (May 21).
351. 1973. The order of salvation. Present Truth (June).
352. 1976. The order of salvation. Present Truth (September).