The following is a record of changes made to this Blog in reverse chronological order:
* Added: [Essay] Clark
and Zen: On the Untenability of D. T. Suzuki’s Theory of Knowledge.
* Added: [Notes] A Clarkian Solution to the Ontological Trinity : A Proposal.
* Added: [Notes] Why Trust is Not a Part of the Definition of Faith.
* Updated: [Notes] Gordon Clark, John Frame and the Objects of Knowledge.
* Added: [Notes] Gordon Clark, John Frame and the Objects of Knowledge.
* Added: [Notes] A Note on Cornelius Van Til's Theory of Analogical Knowledge.
* Added: [Notes] When Black Becomes White: On Some Footnotes of Greg L. Bahnsen.
* Modified: Reorganized the Labels of the Blog.
* Added: [Document] 1944 -- The Answer.
* Modified: Minor formatting changes to Introduction, Bibliography, Documents, and Quotations About.
* Added: [Document] 1944 -- The Text of a Complaint.
* Changed: Display My Notes in Chronological instead of Alphabetical order.
* Added: [Notes] A Theological Note on Romans 8.29a.
* Added: [Glossary] Doctrines and the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] How Can We Obtain a Knowledge of God?
* Added: [Glossary] Saving Understanding versus Ordinary Understanding of the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible, Logic and Good and Necessary Consequence.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible, Modernism and Religious Experience.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible, Neo-orthodoxy and Existential Encounter.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible and Mistaken Inferences.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible as Axiom.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible is God's Complete Revelation.
* Added: [Glossary] Doctrine and Archaeology.
* Added: [Glossary] How May We Know the Bible is True?
* Added: [Glossary] Interpreting the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible and Historical Proof.
* Added: [Glossary] The Bible and Logical Consistency.
* Added: [Glossary] Assurance of the Divine Authority of the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] Assurance of the Infallible Truth of the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] Criterion for Judging the Bible?
* Added: [Glossary] Criticism of Neo-orthodox's Containment Theory of the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] Definition of the Word of God.
* Added: [Glossary] Innate Knowledge of God.
* Added: [Glossary] Innate Knowledge of Morality.
* Added: [Glossary] J. Gresham Machen.
* Added: [Glossary] Reason for Believing the Bible.
* Added: [Glossary] The Neo-orthodox's Containment Theory of the Word of God.
* Added: [Glossary] Aspects of Obedience.
* Added: [Glossary] Expiation and Sprinkling of Blood.
* Added: [Glossary] Ideas versus Words.
* Added: [Glossary] Method of Cleansing from Guilt and Pollution.
* Added: [Glossary] Perfect Obedience.
* Added: [Glossary] Definition of Expiate.
* Added: [Glossary] Definition of Propitiate.
* Added: [Glossary] Doctrine -- Length of Exposition and Importance.
* Added: [Glossary] Doctrine and Practice.
* Added: [Glossary] Election and Obedience.
* Added: [Glossary] A Criticism of Great Books.
* Added: [Glossary] Education and Christian Theism.
* Added: [Glossary] Education and Morality.
* Added: [Glossary] Education and World-View.
* Added: [Glossary] Expert Ignoramuses.
* Added: [Glossary] Politics -- Majority Rule and Minorities Rights.
* Added: [Glossary] War, A Reason for.
* Added: [Glossary] What Makes Living Worthwhile.
*Added: [Notes] A Clarkian Epistemological Model.
* Modified Pages using "Link to Web address".
* Added: [Glossary] Faith and Regeneration.
* Added: [Glossary] Faith, Conversion and Repentance.
* Added: [Glossary] Regeneration, Definition of.
* Added: [Glossary] Justification, Definition of.
* Added: [Glossary] Sanctification, Definition of.
* Modified: [Glossary] Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation).
* Added: [Glossary] Calvinism, Distinctive Doctrine of.
* Added: [Glossary] Creation, Days of.
* Added: [Glossary] Ordo Salutis (Order of Salvation).
* Added: [Glossary] Supralapsarianism.
* Corrected some spelling mistakes in Quotation About.
* Added Clark's Trivia #1 -- When did Clark Joined the ETS? to the Notes section of the Blog.
* Corrected a quotation wrongly attributed to W. Gary Crampton in Quotation About.
* Revised the Blog post Clark and Sources of Knowledge and renamed it as Is Clark a Rationalist?
* Added a new section Quotations About.
* Modified the Introduction to reflect the addition.
* Added to Quotations About the following entries: Carl F.H. Henry; John W. Robbins; Ronald H. Nash; W. Gary Crampton; D.A. Carson.
* Added Clark and Sources of Knowledge to the My Notes section of the Blog.
* Finished adding Bibliography of the Writings of Gordon H. Clark to the Bibliography section of the Blog.
* Added Introduction to the Blog.