Tuesday, April 8, 2014

[Glossary] The Bible as Axiom

1. (Clark 1965, 18): "Logically the infallibility of the Bible is not a theorem to be deduced from some prior axiom. The infallibility of the Bible is the axiom from which the several doctrines are themselves deduced as theorems. Every religion and every philosophy must be based on some first principle. And since a first principle is first, it cannot be 'proved' or 'demonstrated' on the basis of anything prior. As the catechism question, quoted above, says, 'The Word of God is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify Him.' "

The Bible is the axiom or first principle of doctrines and philosophy.


Clark, Gordon H. 1965. What Do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession: Yesterday and Today. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
