Thursday, April 3, 2014

[Glossary] Doctrine -- Length of Exposition and Importance

1. (Clark 1993, 5): "In fact in the New Testament as a whole it is not the most fundamental doctrines that receive the most careful exposition. In Romans and Galatians Paul argues for justification by faith in chapter after chapter; but nowhere can there be found any such argument for the deity of Christ. And yet would not one say that the deity of Christ is more fundamental that justification by faith? But while no exposition of Christ's deity is found, there are many references to it. The deity of Christ is fundamental in that it underlies all New Testament teaching; the particular discussions of the various chapters presuppose rather than explain it. To assume that Christ is not very God of very God would turn half if not all the verses of the New Testament into nonsense."

The importance of a doctrine need not be measured by the length of its expositions in the Bible.


Clark, Gordon H. 1993. New Heavens, New Earth: A Commentary on First and Second Peter. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.
