Sunday, April 6, 2014
[Glossary] Criterion for Judging the Bible?
1. (Clark 1965, 14-15): "But in order to maintain that the Bible is mistaken, not only about some obscure dates, numbers, and names, but about points of theology too, it is necessary to have some other source of information about God. If there is no other such source, how could anyone know that the doctrine of the atonement, for example, is wrong? If there is such a source, we should like to know what it is. By what criterion shall the Bible be judged? This question should be particularly embarrassing to Barth, for he wishes to hold that theology is an independent science without a foundation in philosophy, anthropology, natural science, or any other subject."
If the Bible is mistaken about points of theology, then by what criterion is the Bible judged to be wrong?
Clark, Gordon H. 1965. What Do Presbyterians Believe? The Westminster Confession: Yesterday and Today. Phillipsburg, New Jersey: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.