Thursday, April 3, 2014
[Glossary] Election and Obedience
1. (Clark 1993. 8): "It is not an entirely unreasonable simplification to say that the theme of the epistle [1 Peter] is found in the words, 'Elect ... unto obedience.' "
2. (Clark 1993. 8-9): "When the epistle [1 Peter] as a whole is considered, the emphasis seems to lie on one of the important purposes of God in election: obedience. Obedience by itself does not exhaust the purpose of election; it is not the ultimate purpose God has in mind; but it is the phase of God's purpose that the recipients of this epistle needed to read about. And all in all, obedience may be more comprehensive that at first appears."
3. (Clark 1993, 9): "Here let us only note that God has a purpose in electing some to everlasting life, and that purpose is to make them obedient to his precepts."
Clark, Gordon H. 1993. New Heavens, New Earth: A Commentary on First and Second Peter. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation.